Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for both community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back.
Our club welcomes new members.
With homelessness on the rise in SA, The Rotary Club of Holdfast Bay was one of 20+ organisations that recently teamed up with the SA Aquatic Centre to offer shelter, food, hygiene packs, and more.
The Aquatic Centre became a haven for those in need. This initiative promoted social justice, gave immediate aid, and sparked community conversations.
Reverend Barbara Paull-Hunt praised the joint efforts, "Together we provided shelter, warmth, and safety."
This initiative started from a Year 12 project on a sustainable 'doughnut economy' model – addressing everyone's needs and caring for the planet.
Let's thrive together sustainably!
Community spirit is well and truly thriving in Holdfast Bay!
The Rotary Club of Holdfast Bay was recently the proud recipient of both the Premier’s Community Activity Award and the Premier’s Community Service Distinction Award for 2021 for our club’s signature project ‘Locals Doing it Tough Food Drive’.
These awards were presented by Premier Steven Marshall and the Hon Stephen Patterson - Member for Morphett at the Service Clubs Association of South Australia (SCASA) annual awards luncheon on October 31 and were accepted by Club Secretary Kim Harvey.
SCASA comprises service clubs from across our state including Rotary, Lions, Zonta, Apex, Kiwanis and Soroptimist International.
Our biannual food drives support the work of local outreach programs in Holdfast Bay that provide emergency food relief and support for individuals and families who require immediate assistance. In the last 12 months our Club has collected and distributed over $36,000 worth of goods with the help of local businesses, other community partners, and volunteers.

International Committee project
Mongolian Arts Therapy Pilot Program
A major pilot project named Healthy Relationships has the aim of reducing aggressive behaviour through early learning. This is being managed by the Glow Art Therapy Association located in Ulaanbaatar the capital of Mongolia, the target country. This association has designed and trialled elements of the program in a Daycare Centre kept open for essential workers during the Covid 19 pandemic.
History tells us that the best way to change the future of a society is to begin with the children.
Rotary and its GPEI partners celebrate a monumental achievement, say global eradication of wild polio is possible with the continued dedication and persistence of Rotarians
The World Health Organization (WHO) on 25 August announced that transmission of the wild poliovirus has officially been stopped in all 47 countries of its African region. This is a historic and vital step toward global eradication of polio, which is Rotary's top priority.
After decades of hard won gains in the region, Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) - WHO, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Gavi, the vaccine alliance - are proclaiming the milestone an achievement in public health. They offer it as proof that strong commitment, coordination, and perseverance can rid the world of polio.
Marion, SA 5043